This course is a part of Microsoft Professional Program for Data Science. This course is the 3rd course in the series of 10 courses. Basically Analyzing and Visualizing Data consists of two courses:

  •  Analyzing and Visualizing Data in Excel. (The one I chose to do)
  • Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI.

I chose to complete the first course. I will surely recommend this course to anyone who want to explore Excel. It is an awesome course and tells about how useful and complex is MS Excel. A lot of complex tasks can be performed on excel, and very powerful visualizations can be done in MS Excel.

This course basically teaches Analyzing and Visualizing Data in Excel 2016, So its recommended to have Excel 2016 while completing the course, though special instructions are provided for Excel 2013 as well. Most of the features in both the versions of Excel are same but there are few differences, for which special instructions are provided so one can complete the course with Excel 2013 though it is not recommended.

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